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What is FormCMS?

FormCMS is an open-source Content Management System designed to simplify and speed-up web development workflows. While it's particularly suited for CMS projects, it is also highly beneficial for general web applications, reducing the need for repetitive REST/GraphQL API development.

  • CRUD Operations: FormCMS includes built-in RESTful APIs for Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations, complemented by a React-based admin panel for efficient data management.

  • GraphQL Queries: Access multiple related entities in a single query, enhancing client-side performance, security, and flexibility.

  • Grapes.js Page Designer: Build dynamic pages effortlessly using the integrated page designer powered by Grapes.js and Handlebars. Easily bind data sources for an interactive and streamlined design experience.

New CMS? — Data Modeling

Data Modeling in Current CMS Solutions

Most CMS solutions support entity customization and adding custom properties, but they implement these changes in three distinct ways:

  1. Denormalized Key-Value Storage: Custom properties are stored in a table with columns like ContentItemId, Key, and Value.
  2. JSON Data Storage: Some CMS platforms store custom properties as JSON data in a document database, while others use relational databases.
  3. Manually Created C# Classes: Writing code adds custom properties to create classes that the system uses with Entity Framework.

The Pros and Cons:

  • Key-Value Storage: This approach offers flexibility but suffers from performance inefficiencies and lacks relational integrity.
  • Document Database: Storing data as documents lacks a structured format and makes data integrity harder to enforce.
  • C# Classes: While my preferred method, it lacks flexibility. Any minor changes require rebuilding and redeploying the system.

Data Modeling with FormCMS

In contrast, FormCMS adopts a normalized, structured data approach, where each property is mapped to a corresponding table field:

  1. Maximized Relational Database Functionality: By leveraging indexing and constraints, FormCMS enhances performance and ensures data integrity.
  2. Data Accessibility: This model allows for easy data integration with other applications, Entity Framework, or even non-C# languages.
  3. Support for Relationships: FormCMS enables complex relationships (many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), making it easy to provide GraphQL Query out of the box and provide more advanced querying capabilities.

New CMS? — GraphQL Issues

Key Challenges

  1. Security & Over-Fetching – Complex or poorly optimized queries can overload the backend, exposing vulnerabilities and impacting performance.
  2. Caching Limitations – GraphQL lacks built-in CDN caching, making performance optimization harder.
  3. N+1 Query Problem – Individual resolver calls can lead to inefficient database queries.

Solution: Persisted Queries with GET Requests

Many GraphQL frameworks support persisted queries with GET requests, enabling caching and improved performance.

How FormCMS Solves These Issues

FormCMS automatically saves GraphQL queries and converts them into RESTful GET requests. For example:

query TeacherQuery($id: Int) {
  teacherList(idSet: [$id]) {
    id firstname lastname
    skills { id name }

becomes GET /api/queries/TeacherQuery.

  • Security & Efficiency – Only Admins can define GraphQL queries, preventing abuse. Backend and frontend teams optimize queries to avoid excessive data requests.
  • Caching – GET requests enable efficient CDN caching, while ASP.NET Core’s hybrid cache further boosts performance.
  • Performance – Related entities are retrieved in a single optimized query, avoiding the N+1 problem.

By transforming GraphQL into optimized REST-like queries, FormCMS ensures a secure, efficient, and scalable API experience.

Online Course System Demo

Live Demo

Additional Resources

Examples Source Code

example code can be found at /formCMS/examples

  • for Sqlite: run the SqliteDemo project
  • for SqlServer: run the SqlServerDemo/SqlServerAppHost project
  • for PostgreSQL : run the PostgresDemo/PostgresAppHost project

Defult login:
- Eamil : samdmin@cms.com
- Password: Admin1!

After login to Admin Panel, you can go to Tasks, click Import Demo Data, to import demo data.

Online Course System Backend

This section provides detailed guidance on developing a foundational online course system, encompassing key entities: teacher, course, lesson,skill, and material.

Database Schema

1. Teachers Table

The Teachers table maintains information about instructors, including their personal and professional details.

Field Header Data Type
id ID Int
firstname First Name String
lastname Last Name String
email Email String
phone_number Phone Number String
image Image String
bio Bio Text

2. Courses Table

The Courses table captures the details of educational offerings, including their scope, duration, and prerequisites.

Field Header Data Type
id ID Int
name Course Name String
status Status String
level Level String
summary Summary String
image Image String
desc Description Text
duration Duration String
start_date Start Date Datetime

3. Lessons Table

The Lessons table contains detailed information about the lessons within a course, including their title, content, and associated teacher.

Field Header Data Type
id ID Int
name Lesson Name String
description Description Text
teacher Teacher Int (Foreign Key)
course Course Int (Foreign Key)
created_at Created At Datetime
updated_at Updated At Datetime

4. Skills Table

The Skills table records competencies attributed to teachers.

Field Header Data Type
id ID Int
name Skill Name String
years Years of Experience Int
created_by Created By String
created_at Created At Datetime
updated_at Updated At Datetime

5. Materials Table

The Materials table inventories resources linked to courses.

Field Header Data Type
id ID Int
name Name String
type Type String
image Image String
link Link String
file File String


  • Courses to Teachers: Man-to-One(Each teacher can teach multiple courses; each course is assigned to one teacher. A teacher can exist independently of a course).
  • Teachers to Skills: Many-to-Many (Multiple teachers can share skills, and one teacher may have multiple skills).
  • Courses to Materials: Many-to-Many (A course may include multiple materials, and the same material can be used in different courses).
  • Courses to Lessons: One-to-Many (Each course can have multiple lessons, but each lesson belongs to one course. A lesson cannot exist without a course, as it has no meaning on its own).

Schema Creation via FormCMS Schema Builder

Accessing Schema Builder

After launching the web application, locate the Schema Builder menu on the homepage to start defining your schema.

Adding Entities

Example Configuration
1. Navigate to the Entities section of the Schema Builder. 2. Create entities such as "Teacher" and "Course." 3. For the Course entity, add attributes such as name, status, level, and description.

Defining Relationships

Example Configuration

1. Course and Teacher (Many-to-One Relationship)

To establish a many-to-one relationship between the Course and Teacher entities, you can include a Lookup attribute in the Course entity. This allows selecting a single Teacher record when adding or updating a Course.

Attribute Value
Field teacher
DataType Lookup
DisplayType Lookup
Options Teacher

Description: When a course is created or modified, a teacher record can be looked up and linked to the course.

2 Course and Lesson(One-to-Many Relationship)

To establish a one-to-many relationship between the Course and Lesson entities, use a Collection attribute in the Course entity. This enables associating multiple lessons with a single course.

Attribute Value
Field lessons
DataType Collection
DisplayType EditTable
Options Lesson

Description: When managing a course , you can manage lessons of this course.

3. Course and Materials (Many-to-Many Relationship)

To establish a many-to-many relationship between the Course and Material entities, use a Junction attribute in the Course entity. This enables associating multiple materials with a single course.

Attribute Value
Field materials
DataType Junction
DisplayType Picklist
Options Material

Description: When managing a course, you can select multiple material records from the Material table to associate with the course.

Admin Panel

The last chapter introduced how to model entities, this chapter introduction how to use Admin-Panel to manage data of those entities.

Display Types

The Admin Panel supports various UI controls to display attributes:

  • "text": Single-line text input.
  • "textarea": Multi-line text input.
  • "editor": Rich text input.
  • "dictionary": Key-Value pairs

  • "number": Single-line text input for numeric values only.

  • "localDatetime": Datetime picker for date and time inputs, displayed as the browser's timezone.
  • "datetime": Datetime picker for date and time inputs.
  • "date": Date picker for date-only inputs.

  • "image": Upload a single image, storing the image URL.

  • "gallery": Upload multiple images, storing their URLs.
  • "file": Upload a file, storing the file URL.

  • "dropdown": Select an item from a predefined list.

  • "multiselect": Select multiple items from a predefined list.

  • "lookup": Select an item from another entity with a many-to-one relationship (requires Lookup data type).

  • "treeSelect": Select an item from another entity with a many-to-one relationship (requires Lookup data type), items are organized as tree.

  • "picklist": Select multiple items from another entity with a many-to-many relationship (requires Junction data type).

  • "tree": Select multiple items from another entity with a many-to-many relationship (requires Junction data type), items are organized as a tree.
  • "edittable": Manage items of a one-to-many sub-entity (requires Collection data type).

See this example how to configure entity category, so it's item can be organized as tree.

DataType to DisplayType Mapping Table

Below is a mapping of valid DataType and DisplayType combinations:

DataType DisplayType Description
Int Number Input for integers.
Datetime LocalDatetime Datetime picker for local datetime.
Datetime Datetime Datetime picker for date and time inputs.
Datetime Date Date picker for date-only inputs.
String Number Input for numeric values.
String Datetime Datetime picker for date and time inputs.
String Date Date picker for date-only inputs.
String Text Single-line text input.
String Textarea Multi-line text input.
String Image Single image upload.
String Gallery Multiple image uploads.
String File File upload.
String Dropdown Select an item from a predefined list.
String Multiselect Select multiple items from a predefined list.
Text Multiselect Select multiple items from a predefined list.
Text Gallery Multiple image uploads.
Text Textarea Multi-line text input.
Text Editor Rich text editor.
Text Dictionary Key-Value Pair
Lookup Lookup Select an item from another entity.
Lookup TreeSelect Select an item from another entity.
Junction Picklist Select multiple items from another entity.
Lookup Tree Select multiple items from another entity.
Collection EditTable Manage items of a sub-entity.

List Page

Example Course List Page

The List Page displays entities in a tabular format, supporting sorting, searching, and pagination for efficient browsing or locating of specific records.


Sort records by clicking the or icon in the table header. - Order by Created At Example - Order by Name Example


Apply filters by clicking the Funnel icon in the table header.


Clicking the duplicate button opens the "Add New Data" page with prefilled values from the selected record for quick entry.

Detail Page

Detail page provides an interface to manage single record.

Lesson Detail Page.

Example of lookup,picklist,edittable

Course Detail Page

Publish / Preview Content

This feature allows content creators to plan and organize their work, saving drafts for later completion.

Content Publication Status

Content can have one of the following publication statuses: - draft - scheduled - published - unpublished

Only content with the status published can be retrieved through GraphQL queries.

Setting Default Publication Status in the Schema Builder

When defining an entity in the Schema Builder, you can configure its default publication status as either draft or published.

Managing Publication Status in the Admin Panel

On the content edit page, you can: - Publish: Make content immediately available. - Unpublish: Remove content from public view. - Schedule: Set a specific date and time for the content to be published.

Preview Draft/Scheduled/Unpublished Content

By default, only published content appears in query results. If you want to preview how the content looks on a page before publishing, you can add the query parameter preview=1 to the page URL.

For a more convenient approach, you can set the Preview URL in the Entity Settings page. Example Entity Settings Page

Once set, you can navigate to the Entity Management page and simply click the Preview button to view the content in preview mode. Example Content Manage Page

Publication Worker

The Publication Worker automates the process of updating scheduled items in batches, transitioning them to the published status at the appropriate time.

Concurrent Update Protection

Protect user from dirty write(concurrent update)

How does it work?

Return the updated_at timestamp when fetching the item. When updating, compare the stored updated_at with the one in the request. If they differ, reject the update

When Is updatedAt Checked

  • During updates
  • During Deletions

If a concurrent modification is detected, the system will throw the following exception:
"Error: Concurrent Write Detected. Someone else has modified this item since you last accessed it. Please refresh the data and try again."

Audit Logging

Audit logging in FormCMS helps maintain accountability and provides a historical record of modifications made to entities within the system.

Audit Log Entity

An audit log entry captures essential information about each modification. The entity structure includes the following fields:

  • UserId (string): The unique identifier of the user performing the action.
  • UserName (string): The name of the user.
  • Action (ActionType): The type of action (Create, update, Delete) performed.
  • EntityName (string): The name of the entity affected.
  • RecordId (string): The unique identifier of the record modified.
  • RecordLabel (string): A human-readable label for the record.
  • Payload (Record): The data associated with the action.
  • CreatedAt (DateTime): The timestamp when the action occurred.

When Is Audit Log Added

An audit log entry is created when a user performs any of the following actions:

  • Creating a new record.
  • Updating an existing record.
  • Deleting a record.

How to view Audit Log

Audit logs can be accessed and searched by users with appropriate permissions. The following roles have access:

  • Admin
  • Super Admin

These users can: - View a list of audit logs. - Search logs by user, entity, or action type. - Filter logs by date range.

Benefits of Audit Logging

  • Ensures transparency and accountability.
  • Helps with troubleshooting and debugging.
  • Provides insights into system usage and modifications.
  • Supports compliance with regulatory requirements.

By maintaining a detailed audit trail, the System enhances security and operational efficiency, ensuring that all modifications are tracked and can be reviewed when necessary.

Export and Import Data

This feature allows you to export or import data

This feature is helpful for the following scenarios:
1. Migrating data from one server to another, or even between different types of databases.
2. Backing up your data.
3. Cleaning data by exporting only the latest schema, excluding audit log data.

Exporting Data

  1. Log in to the 'Admin Panel' and navigate to Tasks.
  2. Click Add Export Task.
  3. Wait a few minutes, then refresh the page. Once the task is complete, you can download the exported zip file.

Importing Data

  1. Log in to the 'Admin Panel' and go to Tasks.
  2. Click Add Import Task, then select the zip file you wish to import.
  3. Wait a few minutes, then refresh the page to check if the task was successful.

Asset Library

The Asset Library centralizes the management of uploaded assets (e.g., images, files), supporting both local and cloud storage. It enables reuse, optimizes storage, and provides robust permissions and extensibility for various cloud providers.


Assets are stored in a repository, each identified by a unique Path (e.g., 2025-03/abc123, where 2025-03 is a folder based on yyyy-MM and abc123 is a ULID) and a fixed Url (e.g., /files/2025-03/abc123 or a cloud-specific URL). Relationships to data entities are tracked via AssetLink records. The system supports local storage by default and integrates with cloud storage providers (e.g., Azure Cloud Storage) via the IFileStore interface. For images, uploads are resized to a default maximum width of 1200 pixels and a compression quality of 75, configurable in SystemSettings.

Core Features

Adding Assets to Data

In forms with image, file, or gallery fields, users can:
- Upload: Upload a new file via IFileStore.Upload. The system generates a unique Path (e.g., 2025-03/abc123), sets a Url (local or cloud-based), and records metadata (Name, Size, Type, CreatedBy, CreatedAt). Images are resized (max width: 1200px, quality: 75) before saving to the chosen storage provider in the 2025-03 folder. A default Title is derived from Name.
- Choose: Select an existing asset from a dialog with:
- Gallery View: Thumbnails for images.
- List View: Table with Name, Title, Size, CreatedAt, and Type. Filterable by keyword, size range, or date range; sortable in ascending/descending order.
- Selection links the asset, incrementing LinkCount and adding an AssetLink.
- Delete: Remove the asset reference from the entity, reducing LinkCount.
- Edit: Update Title or metadata.

Managing Orphan Assets

The Asset List Page lists assets with Name, Title, Size, Type, CreatedAt, and LinkCount. Assets with LinkCount of 0 (orphans) can be deleted via IFileStore.Del, removing them from storage (e.g., the 2025-03 folder) and the system.

Replacing Files

On the Asset Detail Page, users can replace content:
- Upload a new file via IFileStore.Upload to the same Path (e.g., 2025-03/abc123), updating Size, Type, and UpdatedAt.
- Images are resized per settings (max width: 1200px, quality: 75).
- Path and Url remain unchanged, ensuring continuity for linked entities.

Updating Metadata

On the Asset Detail Page, users can modify:
- Title: Change the display name (defaults to Name).
- Metadata: Update key-value pairs (e.g., {"AltText": "Description"}), updating UpdatedAt.

Cloud Storage Integration

The Asset Library supports cloud storage through the IFileStore interface, with Azure Cloud Storage as an example. Other providers (e.g., Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3) can be integrated by implementing this interface and registering it in the dependency injection container.

IFileStore Interface

namespace FormCMS.Infrastructure.FileStore;   

public record FileMetadata(long Size, string ContentType);

public interface IFileStore
    Task Upload(IEnumerable<(string, IFormFile)> files, CancellationToken ct);
    Task Upload(string localPath, string path, CancellationToken ct);
    Task<FileMetadata?> GetMetadata(string filePath, CancellationToken ct);
    string GetUrl(string file);
    Task Download(string path, string localPath, CancellationToken ct);
    Task Del(string file, CancellationToken ct);


  • Upload: Stores files in the provider, using the folder structure (e.g., 2025-03/abc123).
  • GetMetadata: Retrieves Size and ContentType.
  • GetUrl: Returns the asset’s URL (e.g., https://<account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container>/2025-03/abc123 for Azure).
  • Download: Retrieves the file to a local path.
  • Del: Deletes the file from its folder.

Extending to Other Providers

To use Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, or others:
1. Implement IFileStore with provider-specific logic (e.g., S3’s PutObject for uploads to 2025-03/abc123).
2. Register it in dependency injection (e.g., services.AddScoped<IFileStore, AwsS3FileStore>()).

Example: Azure Cloud Storage

  • Uploads files to Azure Blob Storage under the 2025-03 folder (e.g., 2025-03/abc123).
  • Generates URLs like https://<account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container>/2025-03/abc123.
  • Supports metadata retrieval and deletion via Azure APIs.


A role-based system controls asset access:
- Super Admin: Full control over all assets, including those in cloud folders (e.g., 2025-03).
- No Permissions: No asset interaction.
- Restricted Read: Choose only self-uploaded assets.
- Full Read: Choose any asset.
- Restricted Write: Manage only self-uploaded assets.
- Full Write: Manage all assets (except assigning).

Permissions filter the library dialog and validate actions against ownership and storage location.


  • Image Compression (ImageCompressionOptions):
  • MaxWidth: Default 1200px.
  • Quality: Default 75 (0-100).
  • Asset URL: Local prefix defaults to /files (e.g., /files/2025-03/abc123); cloud URLs depend on the provider (via IFileStore.GetUrl).
  • Storage Provider: Set via dependency injection (e.g., Azure, local).


  • Reuse: Assets are shared across entities, reducing redundancy.
  • Storage: Orphan deletion, image resizing, and folder-based organization (e.g., 2025-03) optimize usage; cloud storage scales capacity.
  • Consistency: Fixed Url ensures seamless updates.
  • Flexibility: Metadata, replacements, and cloud extensibility adapt to needs.
  • Tracking: LinkCount and AssetLink monitor usage.
  • SEO: Title as alt text enhances image discoverability.
  • Scalability: Cloud integration (e.g., Azure) and IFileStore support growing storage demands.

Date and Time

The Date and Time system in FormCMS manages how dates and times are displayed and stored, supporting three distinct formats: localDatetime, datetime, and date. It ensures accurate representation across time zones and consistent storage in the database.


FormCMS provides three display formats for handling date and time data, each serving a specific purpose:
localDatetime: Displays dates and times adjusted to the user's browser time zone (e.g., a start time that varies by location).
datetime: Zone-agnostic, showing the same date and time universally (e.g., a fixed event time).
date: Zone-agnostic, displaying only the date without time (e.g., a birthday).

Display Formats


  • Purpose: Represents a date and time that adjusts to the user's local time zone, ideal for events like start times where the local context matters.
  • Behavior: The system converts the stored UTC datetime to the browser's time zone for display. For example, an event starting at 2025-03-19 14:00 UTC would appear as 2025-03-19 09:00 EST for a user in New York (UTC-5) or 2025-03-19 23:00 JST for a user in Tokyo (UTC+9).
  • Storage: When entered, the system converts the user’s local input to UTC before saving. For instance, 2025-03-19 09:00 EST is stored as 2025-03-19 14:00 UTC.
  • Use Case: Event schedules, deadlines, or anything requiring local time awareness.


  • Purpose: Displays a fixed date and time that remains consistent regardless of the user’s time zone, suitable for universal reference points.
  • Behavior: No conversion occurs; the stored value is shown as-is. For example, 2025-03-19 14:00 is displayed as 2025-03-19 14:00 everywhere.
  • Storage: Saved exactly as input, without time zone adjustments, assuming it’s a universal time.
  • Use Case: Logs, publication timestamps, or system events where a single point in time applies globally.


  • Purpose: Represents only a date without time, zone-agnostic, and consistent across all users.
  • Behavior: Displayed as a date only (e.g., 2025-03-19), with no time component or zone consideration.
  • Storage: Stored as a datetime with the time set to 00:00:00 (midnight), typically in UTC for consistency, but the time portion is ignored in display.
  • Use Case: Birthdays, anniversaries, or any date-specific data where time is irrelevant.

Storage in Database

  • System-Generated Timestamps: All automatically generated times (e.g., CreatedAt, UpdatedAt) are stored as UTC datetime values (e.g., 2025-03-19 14:00:00Z). This ensures a universal reference point for auditing and synchronization.
  • localDatetime Handling:
    Input: Converted from the user’s local time (based on browser settings) to UTC before storage.
    Output: Converted from UTC back to the user’s local time zone for display.
  • datetime Handling: Stored and retrieved as entered, with no conversion, assuming it’s a fixed point in time.
  • date Handling: Stored as a datetime with the time component set to 00:00:00 (e.g., 2025-03-19 00:00:00Z), though only the date part is used in display.


  1. Event Start (localDatetime):

    • User in New York enters: 2025-03-19 09:00 EST.
    • Stored as: 2025-03-19 14:00:00Z (UTC).
    • Displayed in Tokyo: 2025-03-19 23:00 JST.
  2. Log Entry (datetime):

    • Entered and stored as: 2025-03-19 14:00.
    • Displayed everywhere as: 2025-03-19 14:00.
  3. Birthday (date):

    • Entered as: 2025-03-19.
    • Stored as: 2025-03-19 00:00:00Z.
    • Displayed as: 2025-03-19.


  • Consistency: UTC storage for system times ensures reliable auditing and cross-time-zone integrity.
  • Flexibility: localDatetime adapts to user locations, while datetime and date provide universal clarity.
  • Simplicity: Clear separation of use cases reduces confusion in data entry and display.
  • Scalability: Standardized UTC storage supports global applications without time zone conflicts.

GraphQL Query

FormCMS simplifies frontend development by offering robust GraphQL support.

Getting Started

Accessing the GraphQL IDE

To get started, launch the web application and navigate to /graph. You can also try our online demo.

Singular vs. List Response

For each entity in FormCMS, two GraphQL fields are automatically generated:
- <entityName>: Returns a record. - <entityNameList>: Returns a list of records.

**Single Course **

  course {

Try it here

**List of Courses **

  courseList {

Try it here

Field Selection

You can query specific fields for both the current entity and its related entities. Example Query:


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Filtering with Value Match in FormCMS

FormCMS provides flexible filtering capabilities using the idSet field (or any other field), enabling precise data queries by matching either a single value or a list of values.

Filter by a Single Value Example:

  courseList(idSet: 5) {

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Filter by Multiple Values Example:

  courseList(idSet: [5, 7]) {

Try it here

Advanced Filtering with Operator Match in FormCMS

FormCMS supports advanced filtering options with Operator Match, allowing users to combine various conditions for precise queries.

matchAll Example:

Filters where all specified conditions must be true.
In this example: id > 5 and id < 15.

  courseList(id: {matchType: matchAll, gt: 5, lt: 15}) {

Try it here

matchAny Example:

Filters where at least one of the conditions must be true.
In this example: name starts with "A" or name starts with "I".

  courseList(name: [{matchType: matchAny}, {startsWith: "A"}, {startsWith: "I"}]) {

Try it here

Filter Expressions in FormCMS

Filter Expressions allow precise filtering by specifying a field, including nested fields using JSON path syntax. This enables filtering on subfields for complex data structures.

Example: Filter by Teacher's Last Name This query returns courses taught by a teacher whose last name is "Circuit."

  courseList(filterExpr: {field: "teacher.lastname", clause: {equals: "Circuit"}}) {
    teacher {

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Sorting by a single field


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Sorting by multiple fields


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Sort Expressions in FormCMS

Sort Expressions allow sorting by nested fields using JSON path syntax.

Example: Sort by Teacher's Last Name

  courseList(sortExpr:{field:"teacher.lastname", order:Desc}) {
    teacher {

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Pagination on root field

  courseList(offset:2, limit:3){

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Pagination on sub field


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Variables are used to make queries more dynamic, reusable, and secure.

Variable in Value filter
query ($id: Int!) {
  teacher(idSet: [$id]) {

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Variable in Operator Match filter
query ($id: Int!) {

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Variable in Filter Expression
query ($years: String) {

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Variable in Sort
query ($sort_field:TeacherSortEnum) {
  teacherList(sort:[$sort_field]) {

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Variable in Sort Expression
query ($sort_order:  SortOrderEnum) {
  courseList(sortExpr:{field:"teacher.id", order:$sort_order}){

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Variable in Pagination
query ($offset:Int) {
  teacherList(limit:2, offset:$offset) {

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Required vs Optional

If you want a variable to be mandatory, you can add a ! to the end of the type

query ($id: Int!) {

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Explore the power of FormCMS GraphQL and streamline your development workflow!

Saved Query

Realtime queries may expose excessive technical details, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities.

Saved Queries address this issue by abstracting the GraphQL query details. They allow clients to provide only variables, enhancing security while retaining full functionality.

Transitioning from Real-Time Queries to Saved Queries

Using OperationName as the Saved Query Identifier

In FormCMS, the Operation Name in a GraphQL query serves as a unique identifier for saved queries. For instance, executing the following query automatically saves it as TeacherQuery:

query TeacherQuery($id: Int) {
  teacherList(idSet: [$id]) {
    skills {

Try it here

Saved Query Endpoints

FormCMS generates two API endpoints for each saved query:

  1. List Records:

  2. Single Record:

Using REST API Query Strings as Variables

The Saved Query API allows passing variables via query strings:

Additional Features of Saved Query

Beyond performance and security improvements, Saved Query introduces enhanced functionalities to simplify development workflows.

Pagination by offset

Built-in variables offset and limit enable efficient pagination. For example:

offset Pagination for Subfields

To display a limited number of subfield items (e.g., the first two skills of a teacher), use the JSON path variable, such as skills.limit:

Pagination by cursor

For large datasets, offset pagination can strain the database. For example, querying with offset=1000&limit=10 forces the database to retrieve 1010 records and discard the first 1000.

To address this, Saved Query supports cursor-based pagination, which reduces database overhead.
Example response for https://fluent-cms-admin.azurewebsites.net/api/queries/TeacherQuery?limit=3:

    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "cursor": "eyJpZCI6M30"
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "cursor": "eyJpZCI6NX0"

Cursor-Based Pagination for Subfields

Subfields also support cursor-based pagination. For instance, querying https://fluent-cms-admin.azurewebsites.net/api/queries/TeacherQuery?skills.limit=2 returns a response like this:

    "id": 3,
    "firstname": "Jane",
    "lastname": "Debuggins",
    "hasPreviousPage": false,
    "skills": [
        "hasPreviousPage": false,
        "cursor": "eyJpZCI6MSwic291cmNlSWQiOjN9"
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "cursor": "eyJpZCI6Miwic291cmNlSWQiOjN9"
    "cursor": "eyJpZCI6M30"

To fetch the next two skills, use the cursor:

Below is a rewritten version of the Asset Type and Distinct chapters from your GraphQL Query documentation. The rewrite aims to improve clarity, structure, and readability while preserving the technical details.

Asset Type

In FormCMS, attributes with display types such as image, file, or gallery are represented as Asset Objects in GraphQL query results. These objects correspond to assets stored in the system's centralized Asset Library (see the Asset Library section for details). When querying entities with these attributes, the response includes structured asset data, such as the asset’s Path, Url, Name, Title, and other metadata.

Example Query

Consider a course entity with an image field:

  courseList {
    image {

Try it here

Response Example

  "data": {
    "courseList": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Introduction to GraphQL",
        "image": {
          "id": "abc123",
          "path": "2025-03-abc123",
          "url": "/files/2025-03-abc123",
          "name": "graphql_intro.jpg",
          "title": "GraphQL Course Banner",
          "size": 102400,
          "type": "image/jpeg"


  • Consistency: The url field provides a fixed access point to the asset, ensuring reliable retrieval across the application.
  • Metadata: Fields like title can be used as captions or alt text for images, enhancing accessibility and SEO.
  • Flexibility: The Asset Object structure supports various file types (image, file, gallery) with a uniform response format.


When querying related entities in FormCMS, joining tables can result in duplicate records due to one-to-many relationships. The DISTINCT keyword helps eliminate these duplicates, but it has limitations that require careful query design.


Consider the following data structure: - Posts: [{id: 1, title: "p1"}] - Tags: [{id: 1, name: "t1"}, {id: 2, name: "t2"}] - Post_Tag: [{post_id: 1, tag_id: 1}, {post_id: 1, tag_id: 2}]

A query joining these tables might look like this in SQL:

SELECT posts.id, posts.title
FROM posts
LEFT JOIN post_tag ON posts.id = post_tag.post_id
LEFT JOIN tags ON post_tag.tag_id = tags.id
WHERE tags.id > 0;

Without DISTINCT, the result duplicates the post for each tag:

  {"id": 1, "title": "p1"},  // For tag_id: 1
  {"id": 1, "title": "p1"}   // For tag_id: 2

Using DISTINCT ensures each post appears only once:

SELECT DISTINCT posts.id, posts.title
FROM posts
LEFT JOIN post_tag ON posts.id = post_tag.post_id
LEFT JOIN tags ON post_tag.tag_id = tags.id
WHERE tags.id > 0;


  {"id": 1, "title": "p1"}

Limitation of DISTINCT

In some databases, such as SQL Server, DISTINCT cannot be applied to fields of type TEXT (or large data types like NTEXT or VARCHAR(MAX)). Including such fields in a query with DISTINCT causes errors.


To address this limitation, split the entity’s queries into two parts:

  1. List Query: Retrieves a lightweight list of records without TEXT fields, using DISTINCT to avoid duplicates.
    postList {
  1. Detail Query: Retrieves full details, including TEXT fields, by querying a single record using its ID.
    post(idSet: 1) {
       description  # TEXT field

Example with GraphQL

List query to avoid duplicates:

  postList {
    tags {

Detail query for a specific post:

  post(idSet: 1) {
    description  # TEXT field, only queried here
    tags {


  • Efficiency: The list query remains lightweight and deduplicated.
  • Compatibility: Avoids database-specific limitations on DISTINCT.
  • Flexibility: Developers can fetch detailed data only when needed.

Drag and Drop Page Designer

The page designer utilizes the open-source GrapesJS and Handlebars, enabling seamless binding of GrapesJS Components with FormCMS Queries for dynamic content rendering.

Page Types: Landing Page, Detail Page, and Home Page

Landing Page

A landing page is typically the first page a visitor sees.
- URL format: /page/<pagename>
- Structure: Comprised of multiple sections, each section retrieves data via a query.

Landing Page
This page fetches data from:
- https://fluent-cms-admin.azurewebsites.net/api/queries/course/?status=featured
- https://fluent-cms-admin.azurewebsites.net/api/queries/course/?level=Advanced

Detail Page

A detail page provides specific information about an item.
- URL format: /page/<pagename>/<router parameter>
- Data Retrieval: FormCMS fetches data by passing the router parameter to a query.

Course Detail Page
This page fetches data from:

Home Page

The homepage is a special type of landing page named home.
- URL format: /pages/home
- Special Behavior: If no other route matches the path /, FormCMS renders /pages/home by default.

The URL / will be resolved to /pages/home unless explicitly overridden.

Introduction to GrapesJS Panels

Understanding the panels in GrapesJS is crucial for leveraging FormCMS's customization capabilities in the Page Designer UI. This section explains the purpose of each panel and highlights how FormCMS enhances specific areas to streamline content management and page design.

GrapesJS Toolbox

  1. Style Manager:

    • Used to customize CSS properties of elements selected on the canvas.
    • FormCMS Integration: This panel is left unchanged by FormCMS, as it already provides powerful styling options.
  2. Traits Panel:

    • Allows modification of attributes for selected elements.
    • FormCMS Integration: Custom traits are added to this panel, enabling users to bind data to components dynamically.
  3. Layers Panel:

    • Displays a hierarchical view of elements on the page, resembling a DOM tree.
    • FormCMS Integration: While FormCMS does not alter this panel, it’s helpful for locating and managing FormCMS blocks within complex page designs.
  4. Blocks Panel:

    • Contains pre-made components that can be dragged and dropped onto the page.
    • FormCMS Integration: FormCMS enhances this panel by adding custom-designed blocks tailored for its CMS functionality.

By familiarizing users with these panels and their integration points, this chapter ensures a smoother workflow and better utilization of FormCMS's advanced page-building tools.

Data Binding: Singleton or List

FormCMS leverages Handlebars expressions for dynamic data binding in pages and components.


Singleton fields are enclosed within {{ }} to dynamically bind individual values.


Handlebars supports iterating over arrays using the {{#each}} block for repeating data structures.

{{#each course}}

In FormCMS, you won’t explicitly see the {{#each}} statement in the Page Designer. If a block's data source is set to data-list, the system automatically generates the loop.

Steps to Bind a Data Source

To bind a Data List to a component, follow these steps:

  1. Drag a block from the Data List category in the Page Designer.
  2. Open the Layers Panel and select the Data List component.
  3. In the Traits Panel, configure the following fields:
Field Description
Query The query to retrieve data.
Qs Query string parameters to pass (e.g., ?status=featured, ?level=Advanced).
Offset Number of records to skip.
Limit Number of records to retrieve.
Pagination Options for displaying content:
- Button: Divides content into multiple pages with navigation buttons (e.g., "Next," "Previous," or numbered buttons).
- Infinite Scroll: Automatically loads more content as users scroll. Ideal for a single component at the bottom of the page.
- None: Displays all available content at once without requiring additional user actions.

Schema Version Control

FormCMS saves each version of schemas, allowing users to roll back to earlier versions. Admins can freely test draft versions, while only published versions take effect.


To illustrate this feature, let's take a Page as an example. Once a page is published, it becomes publicly accessible. You may need version control for two main reasons:

  • You want to make changes but ensure they do not take effect until thoroughly tested.
  • If issues arise in the latest version, you need the ability to roll back to a previous version.

Choosing a Version

After making changes, the latest version's status changes to draft in the Page List Page.
To manage versions, click the View History button to navigate to the History Version List Page.
Here, you can select any version and set it to published status.

Testing a Draft Version

To preview a draft version, append sandbox=1 as a query parameter in the URL: Preview Draft Version Page.
Alternatively, click the View Page button on the Page Design page.

Compare schema Changes

You can compare the difference between different versions, use the Schema Diff Tool.


You can duplicate any schema version and save it as a new schema.

Online Course System Frontend

Having established our understanding of FormCMS essentials like Entity, Query, and Page, we're ready to build a frontend for an online course website.

Key Pages

  • Home Page (home): The main entry point, featuring sections like Featured Courses and Advanced Courses. Each course links to its respective Course Details page.
  • Course Details (course/{course_id}): Offers detailed information about a specific course and includes links to the Teacher Details page.
  • Teacher Details (teacher/{teacher_id}): Highlights the instructor’s profile and includes a section displaying their latest courses, which link back to the Course Details page.
             Home Page
       |                   |
       v                   v
 Latest Courses       Course Details 
       |                   |        
       |                   |       
       v                   v            
Course Details <-------> Teacher Details 

Designing the Home Page

  1. Drag and Drop Components: Use the FormCMS page designer to drag a Content-B component.
  2. Set Data Source: Assign the component's data source to the course query.
  3. Link Course Items: Configure the link for each course to /pages/course/{{id}}. The Handlebars expression {{id}} is dynamically replaced with the actual course ID during rendering.

Link Example

Creating the Course Details Page

  1. Page Setup: Name the page course/{course_id} to capture the course_id parameter from the URL (e.g., /pages/course/20).
  2. Query Configuration: The variable {course_id:20} is passed to the course query, generating a WHERE id IN (20) clause to fetch the relevant course data.
  3. Linking to Teacher Details: Configure the link for each teacher item on this page to /pages/teacher/{{teacher.id}}. Handlebars dynamically replaces {{teacher.id}} with the teacher’s ID. For example, if a teacher object has an ID of 3, the link renders as /pages/teacher/3.

Creating the Teacher Details Page

  1. Page Setup: Define the page as teacher/{teacher_id} to capture the teacher_id parameter from the URL.
  2. Set Data Source: Assign the teacher query as the page’s data source.

Adding a Teacher’s Courses Section

  • Drag a ECommerce A component onto the page.
  • Set its data source to the course query, filtered by the teacher’s ID (WHERE teacher IN (3)).

Teacher Page Designer

When rendering the page, the PageService automatically passes the teacher_id (e.g., {teacher_id: 3}) to the query.

Demo of Category Tree and Breadcrumb Navigation

Creating a Category Entity

To create a category entity in the Schema Builder, include parent and children attributes. - Example Configuration:
Edit Example

Configuration Options for Navigation

  • DataType: lookup & DisplayType: TreeSelect
    Use this configuration to display a category as a property.
    Edit Example

  • DataType: junction & DisplayType: Tree
    Use this configuration to enable category-based navigation.
    Edit Example

Using Navigation Components in Page Designer

  • Tree Layer Menu:
    Use the Tree Layer Menu component for hierarchical navigation.
    Edit Example

  • Breadcrumbs:
    Use the Breadcrumbs component to display navigation paths.
    Edit Example

Optimizing Caching

FormCMS employs advanced caching strategies to boost performance.

For detailed information on ASP.NET Core caching, visit the official documentation: ASP.NET Core Caching Overview.

Cache Schema

FormCMS automatically invalidates schema caches whenever schema changes are made. The schema cache consists of two types:

  1. Entity Schema Cache
    Caches all entity definitions required to dynamically generate GraphQL types.

  2. Query Schema Cache
    Caches query definitions, including dependencies on multiple related entities, to compose efficient SQL queries.

By default, schema caching is implemented using IMemoryCache. However, you can override this by providing a HybridCache. Below is a comparison of the two options:


  • Advantages:
    • Simple to debug and deploy.
    • Ideal for single-node web applications.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not suitable for distributed environments. Cache invalidation on one node (e.g., Node A) does not propagate to other nodes (e.g., Node B).


  • Key Features:
    • Scalability: Combines the speed of local memory caching with the consistency of distributed caching.
    • Stampede Resolution: Effectively handles cache stampede scenarios, as verified by its developers.
  • Limitations:
    The current implementation lacks "Backend-Assisted Local Cache Invalidation," meaning invalidation on one node does not instantly propagate to others.
  • ** FormCMS Strategy**:
    FormCMS mitigates this limitation by setting the local cache expiration to 20 seconds (one-third of the distributed cache expiration, which is set to 60 seconds). This ensures cache consistency across nodes within 20 seconds, significantly improving upon the typical 60-second delay in memory caching.

To implement a HybridCache, use the following code:

builder.AddRedisDistributedCache(connectionName: CmsConstants.Redis);

Cache Data

FormCMS does not automatically invalidate data caches. Instead, it leverages ASP.NET Core's output caching for a straightforward implementation. Data caching consists of two types:

  1. Query Data Cache
    Caches the results of queries for faster access.

  2. Page Cache
    Caches the output of rendered pages for quick delivery.

By default, output caching is disabled in FormCMS. To enable it, configure and inject the output cache as shown below:

builder.Services.AddOutputCache(cacheOption =>
    cacheOption.AddBasePolicy(policyBuilder => policyBuilder.Expire(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)));
        b => b.Expire(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)));
        b => b.Expire(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));

// After builder.Build();

Aspire Integration

FormCMS leverages Aspire to simplify deployment.

Architecture Overview

A scalable deployment of FormCMS involves multiple web application nodes, a Redis server for distributed caching, and a database server, all behind a load balancer.

                 |  Load Balancer   |
        |                                   |
+------------------+              +------------------+
|    Web App 1     |              |    Web App 2     |
|   +-----------+  |              |   +-----------+  |
|   | Local Cache| |              |   | Local Cache| |
+------------------+              +------------------+
        |                                   |
        |                                   |
                 |                       |
       +------------------+    +------------------+
       | Database Server  |    |   Redis Server   |
       +------------------+    +------------------+

Local Emulation with Aspire and Service Discovery

Example Web project on GitHub
Example Aspire project on GitHub

To emulate the production environment locally, FormCMS leverages Aspire. Here's an example setup:

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Adding Redis and PostgreSQL services
var redis = builder.AddRedis(name: CmsConstants.Redis);
var db = builder.AddPostgres(CmsConstants.Postgres);

// Configuring the web project with replicas and references
builder.AddProject<Projects.FormCMS_Course>(name: "web")
    .WithEnvironment(CmsConstants.DatabaseProvider, CmsConstants.Postgres)



  1. Simplified Configuration:
    No need to manually specify endpoints for the database or Redis servers. Configuration values can be retrieved using: csharp builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>(); builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString();
  2. Realistic Testing:
    The local environment mirrors the production architecture, ensuring seamless transitions during deployment.

By adopting these caching and deployment strategies, FormCMS ensures improved performance, scalability, and ease of configuration.

Query with Document DB

Optimizing query performance by syncing relational data to a document database, such as MongoDB, significantly improves speed and scalability for high-demand applications.

Limitations of ASP.NET Core Output Caching

ASP.NET Core's output caching reduces database access when repeated queries are performed. However, its effectiveness is limited when dealing with numerous distinct queries:

  1. The application server consumes excessive memory to cache data. The same list might be cached multiple times in different orders.
  2. The database server experiences high load when processing numerous distinct queries simultaneously.

Using Document Databases to Improve Query Performance

For the query below, FormCMS joins the post, tag, category, and author tables:

query post_sync($id: Int) {
  postList(idSet: [$id], sort: id) {
    id, title, body, abstract
    tag {
      id, name
    category {
      id, name
    author {
      id, name

By saving each post along with its related data as a single document in a document database, such as MongoDB, several improvements are achieved: - Reduced database server load since data retrieval from multiple tables is eliminated. - Reduced application server processing, as merging data is no longer necessary.

Performance Testing

Using K6 scripts with 1,000 virtual users concurrently accessing the query API, the performance difference between PostgreSQL and MongoDB was tested, showing MongoDB to be significantly faster:

export default function () {
    const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + 1; // Random id between 1 and 1,000,000
    /* PostgreSQL */
    // const url = `http://localhost:5091/api/queries/post_sync/?id=${id}`;

    /* MongoDB */
    const url = `http://localhost:5091/api/queries/post/?id=${id}`;

    const res = http.get(url);

    check(res, {
        'is status 200': (r) => r.status === 200,
        'response time is < 200ms': (r) => r.timings.duration < 200,
     http_req_waiting...............: avg=50.8ms   min=774µs    med=24.01ms max=3.23s    p(90)=125.65ms p(95)=211.32ms
     http_req_waiting...............: avg=5.54s   min=11.61ms med=4.08s max=44.67s  p(90)=13.45s  p(95)=16.53s

Synchronizing Query Data to Document DB

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview

Enabling Message Publishing in WebApp

To enable publishing messages to the Message Broker, use Aspire to add a NATS resource. Detailed documentation is available in Microsoft Docs.

Add the following line to the Aspire HostApp project:


Add the following lines to the WebApp project:

var entities = builder.Configuration.GetRequiredSection("TrackingEntities").Get<string[]>()!;

FormCMS publishes events for changes made to entities listed in appsettings.json:

  "TrackingEntities": [

Enabling Message Consumption in Worker App

Add the following to the Worker App:

var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args);


var apiLinksArray = builder.Configuration.GetRequiredSection("ApiLinksArray").Get<ApiLinks[]>()!;

Define the ApiLinksArray in appsettings.json to specify entity changes and the corresponding query API:

  "ApiLinksArray": [
      "Entity": "post",
      "Api": "http://localhost:5001/api/queries/post_sync",
      "Collection": "post",
      "PrimaryKey": "id"

When changes occur to the post entity, the Worker Service calls the query API to retrieve aggregated data and saves it as a document.

Migrating Query Data to Document DB

After adding a new entry to ApiLinksArray, the Worker App will perform a migration from the start to populate the Document DB.

Replacing Queries with Document DB

Architecture Overview

Architecture Overview

To enable MongoDB queries in your WebApp, use the Aspire MongoDB integration. Details are available in Microsoft Docs.

Add the following code to your WebApp:

builder.AddMongoDBClient(connectionName: AppConstants.MongoCms);
var queryLinksArray = builder.Configuration.GetRequiredSection("QueryLinksArray").Get<QueryLinks[]>()!;

Define QueryLinksArray in appsettings.json to specify MongoDB queries:

  "QueryLinksArray": [
    { "Query": "post", "Collection": "post" },
    { "Query": "post_test_mongo", "Collection": "post" }

The WebApp will now query MongoDB directly for the specified collections.

Integrating it into Your Project

Follow these steps to integrate FormCMS into your project using a NuGet package.

You can reference the code from https://github.com/FormCMS/FormCMS/tree/main/examples

  1. Create a New ASP.NET Core Web Application.

  2. Add the NuGet Package: To add FormCMS, run the following command:
    dotnet add package FormCMS

  3. Modify Program.cs: Add the following line before builder.Build() to configure the database connection (use your actual connection string):
    builder.AddSqliteCms("Data Source=cms.db"); var app = builder.Build(); Currently, FormCMS supports AddSqliteCms, AddSqlServerCms, and AddPostgresCms.

  4. Initialize FormCMS: Add this line after builder.Build() to initialize the CMS:
    await app.UseCmsAsync();
    This will bootstrap the router and initialize the FormCMS schema table.

Adding Business Logic

Learn how to customize your application by adding validation logic, hook functions, and producing events to Kafka.

Adding Validation Logic with Simple C# Expressions

Simple C# Validation

You can define simple C# expressions in the Validation Rule of attributes using Dynamic Expresso. For example, a rule like name != null ensures the name attribute is not null.

Additionally, you can specify a Validation Error Message to provide users with feedback when validation fails.

Using Regular Expressions

Dynamic Expresso supports regular expressions, allowing you to write rules like Regex.IsMatch(email, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$").

Note: Since Dynamic Expresso doesn't support verbatim strings, you must escape backslashes (\).

Extending Functionality with Hook Functions

To implement custom business logic, such as verifying that a teacher entity has valid email and phone details, you can register hook functions to run before adding or updating records:

var registry = app.GetHookRegistry();

// Hook function for pre-add validation
registry.EntityPreAdd.Register("teacher", args =>
    return args;

// Hook function for pre-update validation
registry.EntityPreUpdate.Register("teacher", args =>
    return args;

Producing Events to an Event Broker (e.g., Kafka)

To enable asynchronous business logic through an event broker like Kafka, you can produce events using hook functions. This feature requires just a few additional setup steps:

  1. Add the Kafka producer configuration: csharp builder.AddKafkaMessageProducer("localhost:9092");

  2. Register the message producer hook: csharp app.RegisterMessageProducerHook();

Here’s a complete example:

builder.AddSqliteCms("Data Source=cmsapp.db").PrintVersion();
var app = builder.Build();
await app.UseCmsAsync(false);

With this setup, events are produced to Kafka, allowing consumers to process business logic asynchronously.

Development Guide

The backend is written in ASP.NET Core, the Admin Panel uses React, and the Schema Builder is developed with jQuery.


The system comprises three main components:
1. Backend - Developed in ASP.NET Core.
2. Admin Panel - Built using React.
3. Schema Builder - Created with jQuery.

System Diagram

System Overview

Backend Server



The backend is influenced by Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
DDD Architecture

Code organization follows this diagram:
Backend Code Structure

Core (Domain Layer)

The Core layer encapsulates: - Descriptors: Includes Entity, Filter, Sort, and similar components for building queries. - HookFactory: Maintains a global Hook Registry, enabling developers to integrate custom plugins.

Note: The Core layer is independent of both the Application and Infrastructure layers.

Application Layer

The Application layer provides the following functionalities: 1. CMS: Entity CRUD, GraphQL Queries, and Page Designer. 2. Auth: Manages permissions and roles. 3. DataLink: Integrates DocumentDB and Event Streams for scalability.

Includes Builders to configure Dependency Injection and manage Infrastructure components.

Infrastructure Layer

The Infrastructure layer defines reusable system infrastructural components. - Application services depend on interfaces instead of implementations. - Components are designed for portability and can be reused across other projects.

Util Layer

A separate Util component contains static classes with pure functions. - Accessible across all layers.

Admin Panel UI


Admin Panel Sequence

Admin Panel Sequence

Schema Builder UI


Testing Strategy

This chapter describes the systems' automated testing strategy

Favors integration testing over unit testing because integration tests can catch more real-world issues. For example, when inserting a record into the database, multiple modules are involved: - EntitiesHandler - EntitiesService - Entity (in core) - Query executors (e.g., SqlLite, Postgres, SqlServer)

Writing unit tests for each function and mocking its upstream and downstream services can be tedious. Instead, FormCMS focuses on checking the input and output of RESTful API endpoints in its integration tests.

Integration Testing for FormCMS.Course /formcms/server/FormCMS.Course.Tests

This project focuses on verifying the functionalities of the FormCMS.Course example project.

New Feature Testing /formcms/server/FormCMS.App.Tests

This project is dedicated to testing experimental functionalities, like MongoDB and Kafka plugins.